20 Craig Road

Set of Six is a cocktail bar that takes adventure seekers on an elegant trip back to a time when Sea Voyages were common and Twilight Soirees ruled the twilight hours.

Chef Gonzalo Landin put his expert eye and hand into the masterfully curated food menu, and a deeply crafted cocktail bar experience. This is expressed in the exquisite detailing and interior design, conceptualised by Chef Landin, that tells the story of adventure. Further driven by expertly-crafted cocktails that tell tales of courage and splendour, Set of Six sets out to bring a new dimension to Singapore’s cosmopolitan night scene.


We worked with another interior design firm (Hot Design Folks) to bring this vision to life. The project took place during the Covid Pandemic period, which brought a few challenges. We also encountered an issue relating to another restaurant operating at the time, nonetheless, the project was a great success. We handled the entire renovation process, including carpentry, and began the initial conceptualization of the project through 3D drawing, electrical drawing, and AutoCAD.